Thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern, and would like to explain that heart palpitations feeling is the most common complain ever encountered in normal and diseased individuals.
Regarding your pain, there are sufficient components to classify it as atypical
chest pain (that is a migrating chest pain "in different sides of your heart" is much unlikely to be extra-cardiac).
From the other side, alternative responsible factors should be sought, such as a muscular-skeletal implications, pleural involvement, articular inflammation, even a digestive disorder, etc.
To investigate the above options a careful physical medical exam, resting ECG, chest
X ray study, some lab tests 9like
complete blood count,
ESR, PCR, etc.) are necessary.
adverse psychological involvement should be sought too.
You need to discuss with your attending physician about the above mentioned options.
Hope to have been helpful to you! Greetings! Dr. Iliri