I have been experiencing severe anxiety and fear for the last 4-5 months. It manifests in terms of racy heartbeat and jitteriness through out the body very frequently through outvthe day. This is mainly to do with work . This has affected my functioning in terms of decion making , judgement, confidence level, communication etc. I have been a high performer however owing to work demands of late I have been unable to cope up and this led me to a viscious cycle of anxiety fear etc hence not being able to perform routine jobs as well . All of the above used to be my high strength and now I struggle to maintain basic levels. I didn t want to get any medication due to fear of lifelong dependency , sideeffects and addiction. but hesitatingly went to a psychologist. She prescribed pexip cr 12.5 .....1 tab for 7 days after dinner. ..followed by increased dosage after 7 days 2 tabs morning and evening. I have not increased after 7 days yet. Been 10th day today. Skeptical about dependency, sideeffects and addiction. 1 tab has not made any difference except for better sleep and reduced frequency of panickiness. Please advice if it is necessary to increase the dose.