1. Cipcal-500 contains calcium and Vitamin D.
2. Vit. D helps in calcium absorption from gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphorus concentration, without Vit. D bones can become brittle and softer causing
Rickets in children and
Osteomalacia in adults.
3. Together with calcium Vit.D prevents
Osteoporosis in elderly.
4. If you are not exposed to sunlight for even for half an hour or your diet is deficient in calcium, you can take it everyday.
5. Take Calcium rich food: milk,guava, sitaphal,cheese,green leafy vegetables,yogurt, broccoli, kale, soy products, cereal and fruit juices.
6. As Calcium causes
Constipation, make sure you are taking mild laxative at bed time.
7. As calcium causes release of gastric juice,make sure you don't have any ulcer problem.
8. Ask your health care provider or Pharamacist for the same.