Age-45, 5 ft & 1inch, 110 lb In Oct,2007, T.cholesterol -211.3 mg/dl, HDL-C-45.1 mg/dl, LDL-137.5 mg/dl In April,2010 T.cholesterol -217mg/dl, HDL-64 mg/dl, LDL-134 mg/dl C/H Ratio 3.39 , For ECG (5 times) one time-result- Inferior Ischemia , according to one physician, I took Clopilet(1 time ) & VASTAREL-MR (2 times) for 6 months in 2008, I took Atocol for 3 months in 2010,After that I didn t test Tcholesterol, HDL & LDL I have no symptom for heart disease , I would like to know that \