Hello Doctor,
I've been told then when i'm irritated or angry, my eyes have the tendency to "bulge out" a little, not extremely but just a little bit. (is that a natural reaction in anger?) I've been reading about bulging eyes, etc. I have NO thyroid problems (I'm a Male, 23 years old, athletic, with no psychological problems). I wear glasses, and i've been told when i was younger that my right eye has some sort of birth defect in my skull itself causing it to be unnoticabely crossed but you can't see that with the naked eye. Is it possible that a hit, or a punch, or even movement while i'm sleeping would cause something happening to my eyes? i dont sleep very properly due to my job's needs, and for the past week, my eye has been twitching alot, is that of fatigue? and could it have ANYTHING to do with the above? it's a fear that i desperately need some assurance with. Thank you very much Doctor