I am 30 year old female. 1 & half years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroid ( TSH - 6.5) so doctor prescribed thyronorm 50 mcg which I am taking regularly. At that time I missed 3 periods so I went to doctor, she asked to do transvaginal sonography, I told her I am virgin but she said it doesn t matter, so I agreed but as I never experienced penetration I started resisting so she coudn t perform sonography and asked to come next day with full bladder and next day she did transabdominal sonography. All was normal except she found my ovaries are bit small like Right ovary - 18*16 mm and left - 18* 15 mm. She said its slightly small but tht may not be the reason. She prescried Norglen for 7 days and after that I got my period and for one year I was having regular period. But I was worried about one thing that is about my small ovaries. I am worried if it can cause to premature menopause or infertility . What can be the reason for small ovaries. Doctor said that its just slightly small than normal. She also commented that maybe it appears small in transabdominal and she blamed me that you didn t let me perform transvaginal otherwise I could have got the clear picture of your ovaries. Now once again I missed 3 periods since last 3 months. Should I go to gynacologist again or can I take Norglen again. I recently got my blood tested for full body chcek-up and I found that my thyroid level are absolutely normal, but to my surprise sgpt, wbc, FBS levels are elevated and lipid profile is also not normal. Following are my report, wbc (white blood cells ) - 11300, fbs (fasting blood sugar) - 108.2, sgpt - 49 u/l and serum Triglyceride is 205.3 mg/dl and S HDL cholesterol is 30.4 mg/dl which all is not normal. Can this be the cause for delayed period. However I admit that I am overwieght and my wieght is more than 85 kg. I don t drink or smoke but my lifestyle is very bad and I am very lazy. There is lot of fat around my waist, lower ab, thighs and calf. My body clock is also very disturbed as I get up late in the morning, sometimes don t sleep in the night and instead of that sleep during the whole day and I also eat lot of fried food and lot of junk food and drink lot of tea. All this because I was divorced 2 years ago just within 3 months of marriage because my husband was impotant, so in a way I am still virgin. If I go for PCOS or cyst test, should I let transvaginal sonography if I am virgin?