SHi, I had placenta percretta and Previa last year so ended up with a cesarean hysterectomy. Leaving both ovaries behind I was only 32. Anyway, I assumed I didn t need to see a Gynae again because of the removal of my cervix. I started getting pain during sex and for the last few months period like pains that felt awful! I relented and visited the Gynae 3 weeks ago. She did an internal scan and Saw a small cyst on my right ovary. My symptoms have got a lot worse. Bloating, gas, pans in stomach similar to diarrhea pains. I went back to the Dr today who found 3 cysts in total. One on each ovary and a vaginal cuff cyst. It s big and makes my vaginal stump look like a cervix. No it was a cyst. I am going for a biopsy in a week. Question is, what is the likelihood of it being cancer? I am terrified. The cysts looked like they were filled with fluid on the ultrasound .