Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Always use abortion kit under the supervision of gynecologist.
Abortion kit's success rate is around 90-95 %.
Withdrawal bleeding is varies from person to person.
Slight bleeding and pain may continue for 3-5 days.
You should check at home after 3 week by urinary
pregnancy kit.
But better to go for USG or blood HCG level to confirm the
incomplete abortion.
After using kit take following advice:
Proper rest
meftal spas Tablet
globac -Z
Healthy diet with adequate vitamin and mineral supplemets
Drink lots of drinks
Relaxation and stretching exercise
Take fruits like papaya, orange and pineapple
Maintain pelvic hygiene
Wear pure cotton loose inner wear
Use safer sex practice to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Also check for foul smelling
vaginal discharge for infection.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar