my girlfriend was 4weeks pregnant and decided to abort.she took two tabs of cytotec (mysoprostol) and inserted two in the virgina on 22nd june
.but i had sex with her so that the inserted tab could go deep.after 4hours,she began to bleed and so took an ultra sound scan in july 28th which could not identify any baby or pregnancy.
now on 19th december,another scan was taken and this time was 13w6d even though i have not had sex with her since the time she bled which was in june 22nd.
i want to know if this can be the same pregnancy we tried to abort?or is a new one.and if it is a new one,could it be as a result of the sex we had the night of the abortion.if yes,how come it is 13w6d as at december19 since we had sex on 22nd june