Hello, I am concern that I can be pregnant,because May 22, I had intercourse, he used a condom but the condom fell off inside of me ( I did not know at the time) and he ejaculated already inside the condom and in me. The condom did not come out until Thursday May 26. I started having some nausea, mild headaches, some cramping, my left breast is sore, and lower backaches. I have been researching and I feel that I am having these symptoms because Im thinking about too much. Yesterday I had no symptom but nausea but it was for a lil while.Today I am cramping and really emotional. However, when I am not thinking about it a symptom comes back. Also I have irregular periods but my cycles runs around 43-44 days ( I calculated using a fertility calculator online) and it says that my most fertile days were May 23-May 27. I am just wondering how high are my chances?