I understand your concern.
Nordette is good
contraceptive, provided it is taken in prescribed doses.
It can be use in two ways-
* Nordette is a combined oral contraceptive . It can be used as an emergency contraceptive as follows- 4 Orange pills within 120 hours of unprotected sex to be followed by 4 more orange pills 12 hours later.You are taking it in a wrong dosage- I am afraid it won't act this time You will have to get
pregnancy excluded if the periods are delayed by Blood
HCG testing --& if it is +ve, get it aborted as the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.
* alternatively,Nordette can be taken in a cyclical form through out the month.
Dose schedule- Start wit faint orange pill- 1 pill a day starting from 2nd day of menses ,regularly for 2i days followed by 7 pink pills in next 7 days. while you take the pink pills, you will have bleeding,
From 29th day onwards start with new pack of Nordette.--& so on.
** I would advise a regular use of the pill through out the month-- because the hormones enter body in a physiological way. While in emergency use high dose is given & withdrawn -- .This may act as emergency
contraception ,but repeated use would lead to
hormonal imbalance.