Hi Doctor. I am from Australia. I have been involved with kissing a girl for about 1-2 minutes. No sex at all. However,i did menstruation in my underwear later on. However, not touching by other person. I did used tissue passed on by that girl to wipe my Penis. After a week of this exposure. I felt that my jaw was feeling little bit stiffen but it went away in day or two and after a week (2 weeks after exposure) i started developing sore thought. I also had little bit runny nose but not cough. I felt like i had fever but i did not measure it as it did not appear to severe. I also felt little pain in my underarm. All the symptoms except sore through went away in about 3-4 days. Only thing that was noticeable was few white patchies on my tonsil. I went to doctor after 5 weeks and they told me that i do not have any risk of Contracting HIV. However, asked me to get tested after 2 months of exposure. At that stage they order test for my Total blood count, Liver function test, Spleen function test. They thought i may have got Mononucleosis. Test results did not find mono. My white blood count was (5000) within normal range of (4000-13000). My liver function test and spleen function test showed all good. I did started taking Roxythromycin (at week 7) for my thought assuming i had thought infection (it was prescribed previously (few months ago) by a doctor for tonsillitis but i did not took as it resolved by self). I got tested for both HIV and Hep-C after 8 weeks of exposure. It all came not detectable. Test they used was Combo ELISA (4th Generation detects both Ag and Ab) for HIV. My doctor as well as few other health professionals i spoke to suggested that this test is conclusive at 6 weeks mark and as i did at 8 weeks, it is very solid indication that i do not have HIV. I also did my blood count and white blood cells were within normal range , i think it was about 45000 (normal range 4000-130000). Both monocytes and Lymphocytes were in their normal range. I asked doctor about cells being in lower end of range. He suggested it is normal for any one.
When i got runny nose after 2 weeks, there were many people around me had flu. However, i did not get typical flue symptoms but i had the one i mentioned earlier. I was also suffering from anxiety during all this time. However, now after 3 months of exposure i have little pain in my left knee. it is only in left knee and i can pin pint area where it is . I am again worried if it is related to any serious condition or it is just some thing that i would have hurt my self without realising it.