am 36 years old, got married in last year,My husband(40 yrs) had polio when he was 6 years old. His right leg was affected and no strength in the entire leg from waist as he informed me. He uses caliper for walking etc. He had phimosis.He informed me as he has phimosis so till the time he is not getting his phimosis operated we could not have sexual intercourse. So we could not have. But we had little bit of physical relationship. During foreplay(what should I say it I dint know) I saw him to ejaculate enen if his penis touches in any of my body parts. He was diagonosed with lumber spine stenosis. He was suffering from waist pain, so he had got his MRI done, apart from lumber spine stenosis what problem he had I have not been informed. He got his phimosis operated after 8 months of marriage. After getting completely cured and heald he tried for intercourse but he could not penetrate. Before penetration it ejaculated like before. Since he had premature ejaculation he used to use condoms, but those did not used to fit him, loose. Is it normal? After operation also his problem never been solved.He informed after one ejaculation there needs to be gap of atleast 8-12 hrs in next intercourse. So during one year of our marriage we could never done Intercourse. However he had his erection, but whether the extent is normal I cant comment. He is a doctor and professor of anatomy, so is he aware of his problem?
My question is ... Is phimosis a obstacle for having sexual intercourse?
Why he is facing the problem and is it curable and can he lead a normal married (sexual) life and have a children?