Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
The very fact that you have been getting these wounds means that he is not latching properly and you are not
breastfeeding in the correct way and manner.
i would urge you to consult a
Lactation Consultant at the earliest.
It is imperative to correct the manner of latching and feeding.
The vicious cycle of cuts and pain could lead to stoppage of lactation.
polysporin is an antibiotic.
The yellowish brown colour could be
colostrum, on the other hand, the cuts could be infected.
The only substance proven to improve the cuts and fissures and yet that is safe to be applied while breastfeeding is Lanolin.
Strongly recommended is Lansinoh ointment.
However, this cream is a temporary measure.
More important is to remedy the error in the feeding technique, else the cuts will just multiple.
Clean the nipple with water and then apply Lansinoh.
See a lactation consultant as advised.
All the best.
Take care.