I am a 25 year old female. For about 4 months now I have been having irregular periods (varying from light to heavy, 1.5 to 5 weeks apart, and 2 to 7 days in duration), increasingly severe acne (never a problem before), mood swings, depression, hair changes (from straight to coarse spiral curl), and easy bruising. I visited my local ob/gyn who performed a series of lab tests (urine, blood work for CBC and hormones) as well as an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound. A couple weeks later I was notified with the results that everything looked normal. Perplexed, I requested a copy of the lab results. The only thing that seemed odd were my estradiol levels at 540. From the typical range values given it seemed that this was well above even the high value for regular menstruation and within the values for the first trimester of pregnancy (although urine, blood, and ultrasound confirm I am definitely not pregnant). I feel that this probably explains the problems I have been having but I am curious as to why this was not flagged by my doctor. Is it because it isn't 'that high' or because there really isn't anything that can be done? Where does this leave me?