Thanks for raising your concern on this platform and following is necessary clarification:
1. Chronic exposure [in childhood] to kerosene has more of
central nervous system [CNS] effects like: irritability,
restlessness, instability, and later convulsions,coma and death rather than gastrointestinal [GIT] effects like
PS. If there is any common health effect associated with chronic kerosene exposure is dermatitis
2. The IARC [international Agency for Research on Cancer] has concluded in their reports that Kerosene does not have any measurable effect on human reproduction or development i.e. it is not a human carcinogen.
3. So apart from low fibre diet & less water intake,lack of exercise it is best to go for medical and Gastro enterologist Opinion who may ask for baseline investigations like: low
thyroid profile, blood sugar, use of medications [pain killers,antacids, laxative overuse],
hemoglobin [anemia], any disease affecting the colon, to rule out any secondary cause of constipation and then prescribe accordingly.