Thank-you for providing the brief history of you.
As it was a ETA and serious injuries leading to low GCS score, he needs a thorough attention. CT is always good for helping Doctor for planning further medical management. As his hand movement are recovering there will be a positive sign as well. Grabbing the tube is due to the irritation happening to the trachea and the brain is trying to perform some activity for hand to move and grab the tubes out. This is a positive reaction but by grabbing the tube and pulling it out may lead to serious issues.
Now since we have to only wait and see how his brain is recovering from the
TBI as it's all time framed reactions. Also if the ventilator is advised than there is a serious
brainstem issue for which an MRI or CT has to be performed.
Surgery for anything may not be of a good choice since the patient is in comatose state.
Also, having the urine and
lung infection he may need a good
oxygen supply for allowing the body to heal. As oxygen is a major source of energy supply for the normal human physiological functions
to keep in mind that many of the infections are due to hospital acquired and he need to be kept completely hygienic for each and everything.
Frontal lobe injury will take its own time to injury and since the brain will be still in a
shock state this comatose state will come down as the inflammation in the brain comes down.
Important to mention that shifting the patient in this situation for more than 20 kilometers will not be good
Jay Indravadan Patel