I recently visited a massage parlor for a body massage. The masseuse gave me a body to body massage. During this time, I feel her vagina have brushed my penis multiple times, while she moves over my body. I was not wearing a condom. However, I did not indulge in kissing, oral sex or any type of intercourse. I dont know whether masseuse had any vaginal discharge or not. She gave the hand job in the end. I was worried, and went for HIV test ( Antibody test), and test was fine, there was not HIV. But over the internet i read that, antibody test is not effected unless 3 months pass through after the infection . Its more than 40 days from that incident now. I am worried & disturbed, and thinking how to wait for next 2 months? Do i really need to worried & go for test again? Is it possible that HIV can pass via this brush through mechanism? I went for HIV Test at 28th Day, it was negative (0.142). Then i took the test again at 40th Day, it was still negative (0.194), then number was increasing, so i took the test again after 2 days (at 43rd day), it was still negative (0.214), but number has been kept increasing. Does this increasing number in repitive tests mean anything?