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I am a celiac, sjogrens, etc have to take Tirosint to avoid the teensy bit of gluten in Synthroid, very allergic to xanthan gum and a host of other things. My health is really good now that I've switched to Tirosint 4 months ago. I am 71, have congenital weird kidneys but they're all FOUR working (not a double lining--and I have 4 ureters but they don't want mine as donations). So I have a little blood pressure problem. I am about 5'6" and weigh 125 LB, eat like great-grandma (NO store-made foods). So all is well but I have to take Metoprolol 50 mg in the morn and recently, Losartan 100 mg in the eve. I've been on Losartan LU P-23 and it seemed okay but still up around 140/85. Well, Humana just sent me a bottle of Aurobindo Losartan E 47, 100 mg. I am leery of all the ingredients and expedients and especially of the dyes. I stay away from "junk" like dies--eat REAL food like organic fruits, vegs, and pasture-raised eggs, organic milk and some organic chicken, plus once in a while sardines. Point is, I've learned to be VERY CAREFUL. (A few years ago before a week in the hospital and genetic tests, I was SICK and 112 lb and OLD. Now I'm 15 years younger!) So should I ask for NOT Aurobindo Losartan, and how to convince Humana? Ellen