Is there a correlation or relationship between narcolepsy / stroke /dementia Alzheimer symptoms
my wife, age 75 , after 4 ultra sounds, 4 MRI, 4 ct scans, two advanced pulmomary function tests, eeg, ekg, nuclear heart stress test, two neurologists, all say they can find nothing wrong. She sleeps 4-6 hours a day,
and 10-12 hours a night. She does have an impacted right sinus but the doctor does not want to operate
until her neurological situation is resolved due to the infection located at the brain floor plate, She has trouble witt balance, walking, writing, , math 9 A former CPA} she is tired or tires easily. Sje has a 4.2 aorta anurisim, and some plaque in her arteries. Dr has her on a 4.5 epsilon patch, CQ10, 88 mg thyroid
E are looking for help, She is bright articulate, = just frustrated