Hello; First and foremost, sorry for the long wall of text, but I think you should be made aware of the whole scenario. Recently after masturbating with a body oil that wasn t really made for that purpose the base of penis got irritated (red), the next day small pimples with a yellowish head, showed up. They healed alone with the help of some casual hidratation creams in about 2 or 3 days and as the ones on the base disappeared, smaller pimples started to show up on the sides and upside of the penis, which in turn also healed quickly with the same treatment. I call them pimples, because they didn t hurt, ooze fluid and I didn t have the need to scratch them off, maybe sometimes they would cause a very very slight itch nothing that a water wash and new cream appliance wouldn t fix for the next six or so hours. I visitted the dermatologist and she told me not to worry about, that it looked like it s nothing, but she didn t really bother analyze me apart from the images I showed her or asked me to do any tests. However I still asked for HIV1, HIV2, Syphilis, Hepatite B/C, HSV1 and HSV2 exams, just to make sure I was clean (because I had the same sex partner for 5 years now, know her for 7, and we never had deseases and we started our sex lives together, she has never been with anyone else, I can put my hands on fire for that one - but there was this one time, when our sex-life wasn t going very well, where I had a one night stand with another girl, the entire mistake lasted about 16 minutes, and I used condom, but not initially, the first minute or so, I was unprotected and I also performed a very short cunnilingus. The problem is that it came to my knowledge that this girl in particular, who was 27 at the time (I was 24), has had lots of sexual partners in the past and was having relations with at least 3 other people I know of at the same time window has she layed with me, this was fourteen and a half (14,5) months ago. Since then, I never had any feever or any other flu-like sympton or wierd stuff going on on my genitals. But I am still worried, as it s possible to contract deseases and not developping any signs for a few months/years, even when most of the people get short-term outbreaks. I worried because I made a huge mistake, as people shouldn t seek sex elsewhere just because things aren t working out in that department in the relation, worried because I betrayed her and my own principles and because not only I don t want to discover I have a desease and even more worried of transmitting it to my partner. Now, if I already ordered STD exams and I already talked to the doctor and the wounds are recovering alone, why am I contacting you. Well, first I didn t ask for HPV exam, because I don t even know how those work for men, I heard there is no blood test for it, which is unfortunate, as it s one of the easiest desease to contract (fortunatly my girlfriend is vacinated against the high-risk HPV and throughout her last 5 years her pap-tests never gave wierd results). So I would like a second opinion about these pictures. Another reason why I am contacting you is because, as the normal yellowish pimples start to completlyh disappear everywhere on my penis, a small white rash(?, don t know the name for this) appeared right between the gland and the shaft of the penis, under the foreskin. I already took a picture and it doesn t look like dry skin, so I am worried that it s indeed some sort of STD (specially if it is HPV since I can t test that one) or if it s some sort of Yeast Infection because I washed my penis 3 to 4 times a day and applied healing cream also 4 to 5 times a day. I ll put some pictures (not all of them of the whole process, so you get an ideia of what i am talking about). Best regards