Hello dear,
I understand your concern.
Iam happy to know that your BP is normal.
In my opinion the vomitings might be due to
Avoid spicy and oily diet.
Take antacids and antiemetics.
Check for any fever associated with vomitings.
If fever is there along with vomitings then the cause of fever needs to be evaluated.
But as per your information there is no fever so need not worry.
fainting I suggest you to get a HB done to rule
Take food every 2 hourly to maintain blood sugar levels constantly because
low blood sugar can also cause fainting.
Low BP can also cause fainting but as your BP is normal it might not be the cause.
Take adequate fluids upto 3 litres per day,coconut water,fruit juices to combat
dehydration caused due to vomiting.
Nothing to worry.It will subside.
Hope this helps.
Best regards....Dr.Srilatha