Ive had a cough for a few months. The past two months I have been coughing uncontrolably at random times coughing up clear mucus, shortness of breath, wheezing. Went to doctor they gave me inhaler, amoxicillin, steroid pills. Finished meds seemed to help some. Now 4 weeks later, over last 2 weeks been having itchy palms feet legs arms still coughing but dark yellow and sometimes grayish tan mucus. Have had diaheria for last 6 days with blood, Im still coughing, after coughing I get sweaty and I start to itch and get raised white bumps {not red} where I scratch. They are bumps all over scratched area. My face feels hot like sunburned, no fever. If i sit for a bit it all goes away but when i cough I get it all over again