Hi, thanks for writing to HCM.
A large lump that is warm to touch after an injury is typically suggestive of a
soft tissue hematoma unless proved otherwise.
An xray is mandatory to rule out any
fracture and MRI scan to diagnose any injury to the intraarticular structures like
meniscus, ligaments (ACL & PCL) etc.
The general treatment guidelines are as follows -
* Rest to the injured part and avoid involving in activities that causes pain.
* Ice packing should be applied for about 20 minutes once in every 2 hours for the first 48 hours
* Use elastic compression bandage around the swollen area
* Elevation of the limb
Analgesic & anti inflammatory medications as needed
If the symptoms and range of motion is not improving, approach an orthopedic surgeon for further workup and management.
Hope this information is helpful. Good day