Last Friday I woke up and my foot hurt. I assumed I pulled a muscle, similar to the muscle I pulled in my lower back 3 weeks ago when I ended up in the ER. Now a week later, I am in excruciating pain and my foot and ankle are swollen. I have sausage toes! :( It is the left side of my foot from my ankle bone forward, across the whole top of my foot. Over the past 3 days, the pain has been moving up my leg. I do not know if it is because I am still on it and trying to compensate by standing weird, or if there is something wrong. My foot hurts when I stand, try to cross my legs, walk, if I elevate the leg I am in pain for a few minutes before it subsides slightly. It is stabbing pain as well as throbbing and just achy and sometimes it burns and there is pressure. I get pain if I try to move my ankle in either direction and when I try to wiggle my toes. If I do not move it for a few minutes and I try to move it up and down, I can't really. It is like it has to warm up first. Over this past weekend I also suffered a migraine and had a very upset stomach. I do not know if that matters. What would cause this to happen?