I am 14 years old boy from norway. I got some knee problems, and have been having it the past 1,5 year. I play ice hockey in real life, and i really do want to join all the activitys they re doing. I need some help, it started 1.5 year ago when i tryied to jog with my team. A biiig round ball just grow up on the inside of my left knee. Then later on i got some problems jogging. I stopped jogging and went to MR, but on MR they couldn t find anything. So i went to a fysio twice a week , been there twice a week for a year now, and it have just gotten worse ( tryied acupunkture neels in my knee, then we tryied some electric things then some laser , and some exercises) Well yeah we ve payed ALOT for it. Then 4 weeks ago we went to a private ortoped, who claimed i had something called Plica even he could not find anything on the MR , but he had his guess that it was Plica. The mr pictures is over a year old, and from then to now its 10 times worse, i am 14 years old and struggles walking in stairs. When i walk or trying to bow my knees it hurts around whole knee, inside and outside. That s why im sceptic to it beeing Plica, i want some help please !