i am 14 year old. I have left leg pain. 3 month back, in MRI, Doctor has detected SI join infection that may be due to TB. I want thro 2nd MRI and found soft tissue increased. Between 1st and 2nd MRI, doc has give me Zycell 100 ( as my HLA B27 was also positive) After 2nd MRI, I have started taking AKT4 (all 4 tablets at a time before breakfast from last 70days...) Question:shd we take all tablet at a time be4 breakfast ...will that add the drug resistance risk?) Further, after 70 days,i have gone thro another MRI, but found that soft tissue has further increased and mild pressue on L4 as well result leg thumb is not going upward( foot drop )...means AKT4 is not working?\ Can you advice what shd I do?