Thanks for the query.
You didn't mention details about your age and parity.
The general possible causes for your
menorrhagia are :
- Hormonal imbalance. Sometimes hormonal imbalance leads to spotting prior to expected date of periods.
In case of increased endometrial thickness due to hormonal effect, increased menstrual flow with passage of clots can be seen.
-Structural causes like fibroids, endometrial polyps,
endometrial hyperplasia etc.
- Sometimes hormones producing tumors of the ovary can also lead to menorrhagic cycles.
-Thyroid hormonal abnormalities etc.
So you once consult gynecologist, get examined and go for
If she recommends go for
endometrial biopsy, hormonal profile including estrogen,
progesterone, LH, FSH and thyroid profile etc.
Possibly with this workup the cause for your problem can be identified and treated.
Meanwhile you can take anti - fibrinolytic drugs to control the bleeding.
Take care.