Thanks for writing your query.
After reading your post, it seems that you are having
Regular exercise and dietary control will help in controlling the lipid levels.
You should also get your blod tested for
Thyroid profile.
Following precautions will be helpful :-
1. Avoid oily foods.
2. Avoid excess of sweets/carbohydrates, as excess of it gets deposited as fat in the body.
3. Avoid alocohol/smoking, if any.
4. Use refined oils for cooking.
5. Fibre rich foods/fruits and salads will be helpful.
6. Eat daily lentils/pulses.
7. Garlic has an important role in decreasing the
The medicine you have mentioned i.e. Tonact TG contains
Atorvastatin and
It is beneficial in treating dyslipidemia. You can take this medicine, if it is prescribed by your doctor.
I hope this is helpful to you.