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read your query
that is a very significant question
and i appreciate your problem
i will try my best to answer your query
i think your 80% stenosis is too significant to miss
specially since you have some stenosis in all the rest too
you have what we call tvd, or triple vessel disease
but only minor in most artery
so practically it is a svd- single vessel disease
i would really suggest you to meet your cardiologist to
plan a possible stenting/ptca
where they put a stent in your artery to keep it open
i would suggest a
statin for yourlipid profile
have your sugars tested too
i hope this helps you
best of luck
(please do understand that some problem remains as
online texting cuts down history and examination
thereby reducing the effect and efficiency
and increases reliance on tests)
(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)