Hi, I m a male, aged 32. height 6 0 and weight 76 kgs. My physician told me that there is some functional problem with my liver , for which i m under medication now. The history is as below: I m under medications for High Blood Pressure for past 3 years. Medication Prescribed (Olmat-AM) after the diagnosis and other possible test. Symptoms: 1. Light Reddish brown color urination only at the morning first time for 3 days. No other symptoms identified. I drink alcohol around than 400ml - 600ml / day with in 3-4 hours a day. I was drinking for a period of 4 years 20 days / month. Before that i drink occasionally like 3 to 4 days / month. Diagnosis : After that symptom i have tested for my liver function, The readings as follows: 1.Very high level of elevation in SGOT (above 2000) and SGPT (around 2700). 2. Alkaline Phosphate more than 160. 3. GGT is more than 200. 4. Other than the above everything is normal. Apart from than sugar levels, Lipid Profiles & Urine test and Culture were very normal. I have a question in this regard. Once i got the above reading i was advised to test the Liver function after 3 days with out any medications. I have the readings like below: 1. Alkaline phosphate is above 130. 2. SGOT is below 1000 and SGPT below 1400. 3. GGT still the same around 160. Then as per the physician advise i have taken the medication for 5 days and tested again. (Medicine - Liver Aid and Zincovit.) The results shows that 1. Alkaline phosphate is below 60. 2. SGOT is below 70 and SGPT below 300 . 3. GGT still the same around 160. Whole abdomen Ultrasound scan show no abnormal results. I could see with out medication the levels of SGOT / SGPT came down in 3 days and now it looks normal in 10 days. Now question is whether am i still in serious condition and needs mediation always or how long it takes to heal ? Please advise. Thanks in advance. Rishi