Hello and welcome to HCM
SGOT and SGPT are liver enzymes.
Both these enzymes are present in the liver cells.
Any disease/ agent that damages the liver cells releases these enzymes in blood.
Detection of these enzymes in blood indicates
liver damage.
The normal levels foe SGOT and SGPT are both
There are a number of causes of elevated lever enzymes namely:
1. Infections: Viral Hepatitis-
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
2. Alcoholic liver disease
3. Non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH)
4. Autoimmune liver disease
5. Metabolic liver diseases-
Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, Alpha 1 antitrypsin defieciency
6. Drugs
7. Obesity, diabetes Mellitus
Viral hepatitis is a very common cause of raised liver enzymes.
It is accompanied by other clinical features like fever, decreased appetite, nausea, malise.
See if you have any of these symptoms. A PCR can be done to detect viral DNA/ RNA to confirm the infection.
Some other tests need to be done- Bilirubin (Total, direct & indirect), serum proteins,
alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase.
These tests will further help to narrow down the possibilities
An ultrasound abdomen can be done.
You can post the result of all these investigation for views.
Consult your physician for further management.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal