You are 41 yrs healthy lady. You don't have
Hyperthyroidism as per the results. I guess if I start to explain why I say that it will be elaborate one.
Your main complaints are Losing of weight, energy, cough with
choking without any prior symptoms. The cough associated with choking comes any time in your routine and sleep.
That clearly indicates that you have allergic problem - not known - which make your bronchial tree constrict producing cough with thick saliva and choke - which is relieved by change of atmosphere, walk with a free air. The same
allergy or even your
prolonged cough can produce edema throat.
Regarding the Treatment
1) Forget Hyperthyroidism
2) Do all relevant basic blood tests
3) X- Ray Chest and if warranted CT thorax
4) A
Spirometry examination to assess the lung function
5) ENT examination - for throat examination and if you are
snoring discuss with him.
6) Keep a diary and write under what circumstances (AC room, chill climate, particular smell, smoke, particular food etc., which triggers your symptoms. After 10 days you can find yourself the triggering factors.
7) Prevent respiratory infection
8) Meanwhile Anti
histamine tab in the night may be useful
9) If possible check your O2 saturation during the attack
This may seem elaborate, but indicated to determine the etiology
I'm wishing you a speedy recovery