I have been suffering with lower abdominal pain/ pelvis area pain for about 5 months now. It is usually just on my left lower abdomen on the side under my ribs by my hip area, but it does occasionally also affect me on the right side too and across my whole stomach. I also have been getting lower back pain and sometimes the pain travels down into my pelvis, hips and upper leg area. It does hurt when pressure is applied to certain areas of my abdomen. Over the last few days I have had a lot of pain when sneezing , coughing and laughing and almost just when im breathing . I also get twinges of pain as if someones stabbing me. I have also felt like I have a lot of trapped wind but am unable to pass it, as well as indigestion , whether this is a separate issue or related to my ongoing abdominal pain i am unsure. I have also noticed that my stools sometimes have a white almost fluffy mucus surrounding them. I am very worried. I have agoraphobia and havent left my home at all in years so as you can imagine my situation is not great as i probably need tests but cant get to a dr or hospital. I have called the drs a few times who prescribed laxatives for constipation which didnt help my stomach pains. Both my parents have suffered with cancer and one has aggressive colitis so i m very worried and would just like to know if you have any idea why i have had persistent pain for so long. Any help would be great.