I fell (HARD) on my left side (landed on my left butt cheek) about 3 months ago and didn t experience any pain from it (minor bruising on my butt cheek, but nothing else). Then, about 7 weeks ago, I tweaked my lower back while doing a simple lift at the gym (a deadlift, only about 65 pounds). This caused me to be completely out of comission for 3 days; could barely walk and all movement was excruciatingly painful. My doctor said it was a muscle strain and prescribed me with pain killers and muscle relaxants and recommended that I see a chiropractor. Since then, I ve been experiencing extreme lower back pain off and on. I am wondering if it s possible that these two incidences are related to each other. Is it possible for an injury to be delayed this long or be worsened by another less impactful movement? If so, what should I do?