hello you need to mention your age sex job to diagnose.
do you have any xray for this complaint?
ayurvedic mediacation is time proven for such complaints so use that.
BACKACHE is a condition caused due to vata vitiation,any food that can aggravate the vata further must not be taken.Sour and fried foods must be totally avoided..Rice must be reduced;rather food grains such as wheat, millet and sorghum are better.
Prasarani,is the drug that is most effective for the treatment of BACKACHE.
Instead of sleeping on a soft mattress at night,use a hard mattress.
Yoga asanas that can be used to prevent pains are:
a) Bhujangasana
b) Halasana
c) Shalabhasana
d) Shavasana
e) Uttarapadasana
use of mahanarayan oil and vishgarbh oil also very useful along with other guggul medications diet modification,some changes in day to day activity.
dont be in same position for long time.
have a nice day feel free to ask in detail.