Hi Doc, I m 20 years old. I play football, WR to be specific. I was running routes around Jan. 21st. went through the route tree once on each side fine. Came back later that day and did it again, but I felt a shape pain in my low back on the left side. Went a week without doing anything. On the 28th of Jan. I played in a flag game. The first bit I was fine, but later the pain became unbearable. It was clear that I did something serious. I rested it up for several weeks. I then felt somewhat good again, to where I could tolerate it. I got some training in and then it switched sides (from left to right) Again I rested. Then around 2+ months into this deal I go to the chiropractor. He said I have one leg slightly longer than the other and in a few adjustments I should be back to a active life. I thought to myself everyone has 2 different sized legs by some measurement. He did a side poster hip/si adjustment Later that day I notice a crazy amount of low back pain , my hamstring has been super tight. I have no medical insurance, but had a MRI , CT scan done. I have a left side 6mm and right side 2mm acute pars fracture with edema . I was wondering what I can expect and what I can do? I do not have medical insurance to see a specialist, Will this heal on its own? And will I be able to play sports again? Thanks