Lump On Inside Of Eye Lid, Getting Bigger In Size, Sore. What Could Be This?
Hi, I have had a lump on the inside of my eye lid for about a year. It recently started getting bigger under the eyelid with a white form on the top. Sometimes it make my bottom eyelid sore to touch but not often. Today however the size of the lump is still there but the top is no longer white it's deep red. I thought it was an infected duct or in grown eyelash but could it be more serious then that?
Welcome to HCM. It is called stye.A stye is an infection of the sebaceous glands of at the base of the eyelashes, White and reddish suggest infection, inflammation. You have to start oral as well as local antibiotic. You have history of long time so consult your ophthalmologist. It requires surgical removal. Take proper care for local hygiene.