Hello, Dr. I am a 22 year old male. I recently got married and I've been having excessive sex with my wife. Maybe one or twice a week, but 5-6 times on each of those days. About 2 weeks ago, I had a gum inflammation so I took an anti inflammatory ketoprofen drug called "Ketofan". I had sex with my wife on that same day i started taking the drug. After intercourse, I noticed a lump on the shaft of my penis. It is skin-colored and painless. I went to see a dermatologist and he told me that it is an allergic reaction from the ketofan. So, he had me take two anti-allergic drugs - telefast and zyrtec. I had abstained from sex for about 5 days while taking the meds, and the lump got smaller. however, I had sex later and it got bigger again. I went to see my dermatologist again and he was surprised that it still didn't go away, so he prescribed some hydrocortisone called Solu cortef (shots) to take for three consecutive days. I took it the first day and today is the second, but nothing changed. I am thinking it might be blockage in the lymph channels of the shaft because there is a hard vain along the shaft as well. Please advise further. Thank you