I have just received an MRI report saying that I have, among other things, arachnoiditiis in the lower lumbar canal. I also have had two spinal surgeries, (2000 and 2007) resulting the the fusion of L3, -L5. I went to the surgeon last week because I have low back pain again, lots of pain in my neck (also had a cervical mri) and extreme weakenss in my right leg, cannot stand on my tiptoes on that leg, have areas of complete numbness in that leg, and it constantly feels like the thigh muscle is being strained, even when I am sitting down. My cervical MRI says I have problems at the C-5 to C7 level with prominent lordotic reversal, among other things. Could all this be causing the monoparasis of my right leg (which is what the surgeon called my symptons before the MRI). I am seeing him next week, but just want to hear from someone else what they think could be going on.