Hi Karl,
Welcome to Healthcare Magic and thanks for your question...
Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant medication given for depressive disorders. You have mentioned that you had a 'manic-depressive episode' six months back... I'm not sure what you mean by that - I'm guessing that you probably suffered from a depressive episode (maybe a Bipolar
Depression), which is why you have been put on an anti-depressant.
Now, most substances of abuse - cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, etc. can definitely interfere with psychiatric medication. This is because both of them act on the brain and hence they can interfere with each other's levels and effects. Cannabis, alcohol, etc. can reduce the absorption of such medication or hamper their action or sometimes even potentiate side effects.
Secondly, these substances can independently influence and alter your mood / emotional state and thereby can sometimes, worsen the
mood disorder itself. Sometimes heavy abuse can also cause new psychiatric problems. Alcohol definitely has effects on the mood and excessive use can even lead to psychotic symptoms (like hearing voices, seeing strange things, fears, false beliefs, etc.)
I would strongly suggest that you control your drinking, especially because you already have a mood disorder and as you are on psychiatric medication. If you are finding it difficult to control your drinking habit, please don't hesitate to ask your doctor for help / suggestions.
Wish you all the best.
- Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar