Hi There, I had an upper endoscopy last october which revealed mild oesphegitus and ulceration due to gerd. I was prescribed PPIs for 3 months, they made a bit of a difference but did not completely cure me and whenever I got stressed at work or had a long day I could feel chest pain. Exercise and running was the best way to cure any chest pain and I feel great when working out or after rest. However, I still have the same symptoms and even a careful diet does not completely cure. I also have pain under left armpit and a small inflamed lymph node under left jawbone near left ear. Some foods make me feel much better, yoghurt, spinach etc and some worse, bread etc. I have had a negative celiac test. I also have occasional muscle cramps in arms and calves. Do you think it could be eosonphillic oesphegitus and is it worth me getting a chest x-ray since when I stretch or sometimes exert myself in a strange way I can feel oesphegal pain as if I have torn something. I also get occasional back pain.
Many thanks,