Not too long ago, I was having minor body pains/aches around my entire body. I woke up one night and the pains were extremely severe and the worst pain I ve ever felt. The pain was everywhere and I could barely walk. I was rushed to emergency in the hospital and had my blood tested along with some x-rays. I was given pain killers but the pain still continued. The tests came up negative and I was told nothing was wrong in my blood or with the x-rays. I returned home a few hours later and I was in pain for about 4 days after, while taking pain killers that were given to me along with sleeping pills as it was very hard to sleep with the pain. It got better within a week and I could walk properly again but this was about a month ago from today and ever since, I have always felt minor pain in some areas of my body, mostly my hips and arms/shoulders. In the last two days, the pain is coming back in my shoulders especially and it s almost unbearable. I don t have any medical conditions all though I have an iron deficiency but the hospital told me this couldn t be a factor of the pain. I would really like some answers so I don t have another episode out of nowhere one night where the pain gets really bad and spreads everywhere to the point where I need to go to the hospital again.. it was not a fun experience. I m 17 and female. Don t do any big extra curricular activities that could cause this either. Please help! Thanks a lot.