I am 62. My last period was 10 years ago. At that time I also had a squamous cell carcinoma tumour removed (with the lymph node it was in) from my groin . Pathology showed it was secondary. The primary was never found and I have been monitored ever since, with no other problems. i received radiation treatment to the groin post surgery. This week when showering and at the toilet I noticed a mucus discharge similar to what was released around ovulation, something I haven t experienced for many years. Today, it happened again at the toilet so I was able to look at it for the first ime and it was slightly pink tinged with blood. I have no discomfort vaginally or odour. Though I am still sexually active, the timing of the mucous discharge is not related to sexual intercourse. It is Sunday, so I will be off to the doctor tomorrow. however I would be interested in your opinion. Thank you.