My 17 year old daughter has been suffering from chronic left sided head pain (ranging from 4-9 in severity) that is not responsive to migraine meds of any kind. We recently discovered that she has a mild mixed hearing loss on her left side, which was not there prior to the onset of this head pain 8 months ago. This started with sudden-onset headache, vomiting, syncope, heart rate fluctuations, and extreme fatigue in August, but all of the symptoms have since resolved except the chronic extreme headache. In the process of trying to figure out what is going on, her neurologist discovered elevated CSF, but a second lumbar puncture has recently revealed normal CSF levels and no diagnosis or meds that work for the head pain. Should I have her evaluated by an ENT, and, is it possible that a sinus cyst could be the cause of the head pain and the mild hearing loss? We are running out of options, and wondering if something as simple as this might have been overlooked in all of her MRI/MRA/CT evaluations.