My 65 year old husband, who is very active, has been feeling terrible for almost a week. He has been checked for flu 3 times and strep 3 times within the last week....both came back negative. He first complained of a splitting, in addition to his head hurting (even, just to touch with a comb!), but has tingling...almost to the point of piercing pains randomly in his upper torso. He sometimes has this sensation in his thighs. We have been to the NP (at his internist) twice in the last week and a half. We went to the ER Friday night and again today.....they ordered sed rates, RA, and many other blood tests, urine tests, even did blood cultures.....everything has come back normal. The only meds he has been on prior to these symptoms is Lipitor & a low dose blood pressure med. Also, for the last 5 days, he sleeps all the time!
Even thoughts on these symptoms would be greatly appreciated!!