My 61 yr old father had a quadruple bypass and valve replacement in late December, and on Saturday he came in for an out patient procedure to remove the liquid in his lungs. However, they discovered he had a fever , so they admitted him and kept him for observation. On Sun they removed the liquid, and they gave him a transfusion due to being low and anemic on Mon. Within a few hours he went into some sort of shock. They rushed him into ICU and they performed CPR 2 times. They had difficulty stablizing him, and they put him on full life support. His Dr said he probably wouldn t make it throught the night but by some miracle and his will to survive he is still with us. He is completely off the heart pump but is still on the breathing machine (he went from 100% assistance to 40%). They discovered that the blood infection was due to the valve. He has now beat the fever and is still in a comastose state. His nurse said his pulse was low but not stopped when they did CPR. I just now got an update from his lung Dr. and his heart is good and he is fighting the infection. He s dx is Sepsis . However, he is still unconscious. He opens and closes his eyes and makes facial expressions as if he is in pain, bites down on breathing tube, and pupils are reactive , but does not obey comands. In Nov when he had his heart attack they did not expect him to make it and just the same with his open heart. His will to survive has continued to prove everyone wrong. He is a fighter! My question to you: is it unreasonable to expect him to recover and come back to us? What should we as his family do? Thank you.