My friend (female, in her 60's, African American science teacher that received harrowing immune treatment for hep C after decades of suffering; has been severely sick for a week, on antibiotics from first day, lots of tests, all results are negative; docs think it is a virus they can't identify . Symptoms include severe headache (now better), bowel movt every hour but no diarrhea, body aches all over, no fever, extreme sleepiness and weak, like she's been "drugged up", today bad stomach pain. Friends call her several times a day to check on her. Understandably grumpy and impatient when I ask more questions (I happened to call her and am concerned). Docs prescribed 2,000mg/day Vit. D (I told her she could go much higher. Drinking water all day. I might be able to get more information out of her after she rests.
I've just called her back and she does not want me to spend $20, says she has already done "the free one" and nothing came of it. If she gives me permission, I will pursue this further. Thank you for your service!