My husband is 75 years of age and has not been feeling well for a while. Recently he has begun to look very pale and is mostly inactive. When he works around the house or yard, he is so tired he goes to the couch and fall asleep immediately. Recent lab results show that his kidney function numbers are not good and he was diagnoised with COPD and acid reflux several years ago. He has dealt with erectile dysfunction for several years, but now even ED mediacation does not help. Along with extreme fatigue, he sweats excessively, especially on his face and head. His natural body odor is different and he has become prone to experiencing difficult to control bad breathe. The odor may not be from his mouth but may be from his lungs or esophagus. I'v noticed that when he exhales, the odor is especially bad. For the past few years, he says he has "spells" and feels dizzy but the incidents are brief and he returns to normal quickly. He also has brain fog. I'm worried about him and as my insistance, he attempted to make an appointment with a cardiologist but the person he spoke with at the doctor's office said that our insurance would not cover his visit and tests unless he was experiencing cardiac symptoms. He has not seen a cardiologist for over 20 years. He has an appointment with a gastroenterologist in a couple of weeks. Casn you give me some adivise on what kind of doctor I need to see and what his symptoms might indicate?