My son passed away last Jun 29th 2014, the autopsy said from an accidental overdose. He was bleeding from his rectum & was sent from the hospital in my ton & dismissed & sent to the state hospital, then they dismissed him,yet he was still bleeding from his rectum. He of course was drinking 2 beers & his meds with some more,but I believe the reason he passed is because he had some internal problems due to the first hospital, his sister did NOT call 911 & took him to the hospital, he passed 93 days later,they had to have known he had some type of internal problem before he was released. I am his mother & I am not going to let this go, I believe he could have been saved,if they had just listened to him & took the time. I was NOT notified ,he was on a ventilator or his kidneys shut down at the first hospital. I do NOT believe he had enough in his system to overdose, we ALL have very high tolerance to meds. I do realize he took some other stuff, but he weighed 183lbs & my grandson said he had seen his uncle take twice that much prior to this so called accidental over dose. I can not get his sister for gross negligence nor the police to do ANYTHING because she DID NOT call an ambulance! He WAS NOT suicidal the night he passed, we talked & he was talking about us going bowling that Sunday & his son graduating this May 2015. His autopsy says on almost all of it unremarkable. I am not good at math & can not calculate the mg/L of the amount taken with his other meds,but it was due to heroin over dose, which was most likely opiates, he did not do heroin! Those 2 hospitals need to be looked into & his records if he was complaining of blood coming out of his rectum, means he was bleeding & had been internally from the first hospital. I should have got in the car & went & took him to the hospital that night,but knew what all I would find! He only drinked like 2 beers. I believe he was released with this condition & they ignored it due to his past! Thanks, Cameo ( A hurting mother wanting justice)